Sluggy Freelance. Click for full sized SMOOCHIES!)

Every time somebody complains about
Oceans Unmoving, I find myself perplexed.
Of course, I see many of the problems that people have with it. I agree with some of them. It was an entirely new cast suddenly tossed at us when what we
wanted to see was Torg dealing with his newfound depression and retractedness coming off of
That Which Redeems, (a storyarc which OU simply pales in comparison to). We wanted to see Oasis and Hereti-Corp. We wanted to see
But we were given... Bun-Bun, a character that many Sluggites were growing tired of. By
himself, with the new characters. Which left many people feeling detatched. They came looking for their Sluggish goodness every morning, and found something that simply
didn't feel like Sluggy.
people complained. They're
still complaining, in fact. Which usually causes me to sigh and think "It's not
that bad, guys." Because I liked OU. It's still funny. The story is interesting. And the concept is
phenomenal. And it still has Pete Abram's signature on the bottom, which is one of the most important things, to me. So I'm going to echo
something that Occultatio said a while back, over at The Living Comic.
Don’t you freaking
dare give up on this comic.
Occultatio was of the opinion that Sluggy should be given some major slack. He said "Pete Abrams as an author has won my faith on a level nearly on par with Bujold or even Gaiman. No, I don’t much like this current stuff, but dammit, I know it will get better."
know it will get better.
Sluggy Freelance is one of my personal favorites. I was more impressed and enthralled with TWR than I have been with
any comic storyarc,
ever. So I put the work into OU. I went back over it and read it in chunks of a month at a time to get a better sense of the story as a whole. I combed the forums. And as a consequence, I know what's going on. And I'm enjoying the ending of OU immensely. And it just keeps getting better. It's not as good as Sluggy has been at times in the past, of course, but
heck, this is
Sluggy. At its worst, it still beats out a good seventy-five percent of the other comics on my list.
And something about today's strip just clicked for me. The subject matter, the way that it's put together, the art, the timing, the expressions, the dialogue... they all work together just right again, and today's strip, for some reason, just made me smile.